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People have rushed to support a landlady who launched a fierce defence of her pub after a complaint about loud music.
Emergency services, including the air ambulance, were deployed to the coast this morning to help assist with a medical incident.
Norman Tilley may have been born just five years after the First World War, but he's still bowling them over on the greens of Kent.
A French eatery in a seaside town has closed for 10 days after a member of staff tested positive for Covid-19.
Harvesting has been allowed to restart at an oyster farm shut down by officials probing reports of people falling ill after eating the shellfish.
Southern Water has been fined £90 million after dumping 21 billion litres of raw sewage in the sea.
A man and woman have been saved from the sea by the RNLI as they attempted to sail from Kent to Essex in a wooden sail boat.
A Kent oyster company has stopped farming the shellfish after a number of people suffered vomiting and diarrhoea illnesses.
A "dedicated and talented" hairdresser died in the passenger seat of a car after it aquaplaned on the M20 and spun out of control.
A hugely popular street artist has sprayed a new work of art on a block of toilets in a seaside town.
Family, friends and former colleagues of a late RNLI volunteer have scattered his ashes in waters he came to know well during his decade of service.
A mum alerted fire crews to a blaze which destroyed the roofs of two bungalows after being woken by her young baby.
Fire crews tackled a garage fire which had spread to two bungalows.
A clever police dog helped sniff out a wad of cash stashed inside a radiator after two men were arrested.
A probe has been launched after a teenage girl was raped in a late-night attack.
A dad has told how he pulled his family's beloved cat from the jaws of a dog that wandered onto his driveway - before its walker left the scene.
A rescue operation was launched after four young people were spotted clinging to an inflatable pool at sea about three-quarters of a mile from shore.
Food delivery giant Deliveroo is looking for riders and eateries to partner with ahead of its launch in three Kent seaside towns.
A street in one Kent town is commanding sky-high prices - even for terraced houses with just two bedrooms.
Runners had it all to do at the Saxon Shore Half Marathon on the hottest day of the year.