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The partial closure of a seaside town’s biggest car park has been extended to the summer, with works at the site expected to last six months.
Beach hut owners have hit out at a council's bid to 'cram in' 20 more shelters at a popular seafront spot.
A Kent mum was put on a crippling course of chemotherapy and feared she could die at any moment after being wrongly diagnosed with cancer.
Kent pubs are preparing for an al fresco future as landlords expect the public's desire for social distancing to continue well beyond the pandemic.
Officers investigating a robbery are searching for a young man assaulted by a gang of three.
Part of a popular Stagecoach route has once again been declared a no-go zone – after more bus windows were smashed.
A man was taken to hospital and another arrested following a late night incident between the occupants of two cars.
Residents are keeping the spirit of their community alive by sharing meals with their most vulnerable neighbours, as tier three restrictions continue.
Lloyd Blackman is looking forward to seeing new signing Tom Carlton in action for Whitstable - whenever that may be.
Residents are being forced out of a popular sea-side town by a growing number of holiday lets, a councillor claims.
Dashcam footage shows the hair-raising moment a driver overtook a car on a bend - narrowly avoiding causing a head-on crash.
An inquest heard that mystery will continue to surround the death of a 40-year-old woman who died after a 10-hour flight from South Africa.
An artist has created a mural to the late Peter Cushing in the same town that has a Wetherspoons named after him.
Whitstable Cricket Club are hoping for a return to the top-flight and new head coach Dave Fulton is looking forward to helping with the project.
A holiday park has applied to increase in size by more than a quarter as demand for staycation breaks soars.
A controversial bid to open a drive-thru Costa opposite a McDonald’s and KFC in Whitstable is back on the table.
Part of the coastline has seen its highest tide in seven years - while a river has burst its banks leaving town centre roads flooded.
As a Christmas toy run has been cancelled due to the pandemic, organisers are appealing for donations so they can still send gifts to ill children.
Children at a primary school have been told to stay at home until at least December 1 after pupils and staff hit by Covid.
Firefighters were called to a Tesco Express store after its cash machine caught fire.