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Armed police from the Met have stormed a seaside holiday home.
A Kent MP has penned a letter to the police and local councils - calling for a crackdown on littering and antisocial behaviour blighting a town.
An escaped tortoise, at least 60 years of age, has been reunited with its owners after two weeks on the run.
A BBC weatherman and expert meteorologists have been left stunned by a 'fascinating' weather phenomenon taking place in the skies over Kent.
A grieving daughter has blasted a charity after it closed a care home and forced her dementia-suffering mum to spend the last weeks of her life alone.
A popular 20-year-old died after his heart stopped on a beach while he was on holiday with his parents, an inquest has heard.
Controversial plans to add an extra 120 seats at an oyster shack have sparked fears over litter and anti-social behaviour.
A one-way system for shoppers in a town should be introduced as a way to maintain social distancing on its streets, a councillor has said.
Drivers have been accused of speeding and dumping dozens of nitrous oxide cannisters along a seafront.
Plans to transform a vacant Jobcentre building into a Turkish restaurant have been unveiled.
A 33-year-old man has been charged after reports of a brawl at a railway station.
A historic sailing barge which helped return soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk needs a new engine to keep it going for another 30 years.
A seafront brawl broke out in a harbour leaving visitors to a beach shocked and one man was said to have blood all over his face.
Teachers are “overcoming their own anxiety about leaving their homes” as schools reopen for some pupils.
A VW Golf was very close to being washed out to sea, before beach-goers jumped in to save it from the water.
Environmental campaigners will hold a protest on a Kent seafront as they make demands for a citizens' assembly on the coronavirus recovery.
A man has been found dead by police after concerned neighbours raised the alarm.
Crowds have again flocked to the Kent coast sparking complaints over dangerous parking and human excrement left behind by visitors.
Police found crack cocaine and large quantities of cannabis after searching a property on a drugs warrant.
Police have arrested two men after discovering about 30 wraps of what are thought to be Class A drugs.