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Police have been patrolling known hotspots for boy racers in a bid to tackle anti-social driving.
There’s been a drop in the number of reports of anti-social behaviour across Kent, but some boroughs are still struggling.
Councillors are to be warned about how much it will cost to turn down a scheme for new homes before deciding the fate of a cherished green space.
A campaign to establish a new town council has taken a significant step forward.
Police are trying to find a teenager who climbed on a roof and fired a catapult at people below.
Drivers faced long delays after a serious crash in which a vehicle overturned on the A2, which has since reopened.
EastEnders’ actor Danny Dyer and his Love Island star daughter Dani will run a Kent caravan park for a new TV show.
A key route into a busy town centre was partially blocked this morning after an accident, but has now cleared.
A junction has been closed for the second time in a matter of weeks after a water main burst.
People have protested outside a town hall over two applications to turn large properties into shared homes for several tenants.
A rural road is closed after icy conditions led to four separate collisions.
Traffic wardens have to work in pairs outside schools or be accompanied by police for fear of assault by parents.
A developer’s bid to build 120 homes on farmland has attracted 230 letters of objection, despite talk of a doctors’ surgery.
Hundreds of parents have backed a campaign to restore a non-selective secondary school to a part of Kent.
An image of a man police would like to speak to after an attack at the weekend has been released.
Fears of a “democratic deficit” following local government reorganisation have prompted a campaign to set up a new town council.
Proposals to create an urban town council to address a “democratic deficit” could result in the abolition of 12 existing parish councils.
A potential site for a much-needed new secondary school has been lost to housing - but there is a glimmer of hope for campaigners.
Two more HMO applications are to be considered in part of a town which already has the highest proportion of that type of housing in a borough.
Traffic is building as the Dartford Tunnel has been partially closed tonight following an accident.
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