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Two Kent restaurants have been singled out as offering good cheap food in a nationwide survey of Michelin-starred chefs.
A borough’s three biggest housing schemes – which would see 8,300 new properties – are being put under the microscope.
Frustrated protesters took to the streets today over Prince William’s plans to build 2,500 homes.
A multi-vehicle smash on one of Kent’s busiest motorways prompted long delays.
A 37-year-old has been arrested after reports of a man exposing himself in a town.
Police say they have now safely located a missing teenager.
A woman has been arrested on suspicion of fraudulently taking UK citizenship tests for 12 people while in disguise.
A pensioner is accused of making lewd gestures and sexually assaulting a shop assistant.
A landowner was surprised to spot two white creatures running across his land.
Volunteers working to protect ancient woodland which was once at risk of being turned into a car park are now facing a different battle.
Six men and one woman have been sentenced for their part in a £22m construction industry fraud.
A village post office is closing for a month for refurbishment.
An application has been submitted to convert a bungalow into a home for looked-after vulnerable children.
A crash on a major route in rush hour has sparked long delays
There are delays on a key one-way system in a busy town centre after an accident.
A prolific shoplifter has been banned from any branch of Boots, the Co-op, Tesco, Morrisons, B&Q, Asda, B&M or Sainsbury’s for the next five years.
There were long delays on a motorway after it was shut following a multi-vehicle accident.
A call has gone out for 1,000 people to get together, but you must be wearing odd socks.
Two independent schools - whose former pupils include a top spy, a Game of Thrones actor and a member of the Royal Family - are to merge.
A building aggregates firm intends to spend the next 16 years extracting sand from 28 hectares of land in the middle of a planned garden village.
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