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A woman who changed a council's pet policy has been short-listed for an animal welfare award, alongside Paul O'Grady and Ricky Gervais.
A Kent politician is calling for a huge shake-up which could spell the end for borough and county councils.
Retirement housing is to be built on a site once earmarked for a discount supermarket.
Work is proceeding apace at a former newsprint site, once a town's major employer, as new photos reveal the scale and progress of the development.
A spectator who invaded the pitch during a football match has been banned from the game for three years.
Thieves seen stealing lead from the roof of a village church were chased by police patrols.
New figures have shown ambulance response times are improving with South East Coast Ambulance Service performance ranked against other trusts.
A key artery into the county town remains closed while repairs are carried out to a damaged gas main.
Business owners are fuming after a council opted to hike up parking prices in part of one Kent borough, while it remains free in the other half.
Campaigners furious at proposals to build 2,000 homes on fields have hired a lawyer to fight their case at a public inquiry.
An elderly woman endured a long over-night wait for paramedics to arrive.
Businesses are suffering and elderly people are being put at risk after thieves returned to a village to steal phone cables for a fifth time.
No reason could be found for the sudden death of a healthy 27-year-old man.
Residents are up in arms after Royal Mail revealed it might not replace their damaged postbox.
A former reception teacher at a school who hit a pupil's head on a door frame while dragging her out of class has been banned from the profession.
Queues are now easing after a vehicle broke down on the M25 causing congestion headed towards the Dartford Tunnel.
A yacht has broken from its moorings and come ashore on the Kent coast in high winds.
Parents of a teenager with a rare form of cancer are appealing for help financing specialist cancer tumour removal surgery in America.
A bus company is putting up fares to counter rising running costs with passengers set to pay more and the move has been met with criticism.
Rail passengers have faced delays after a person was spotted on the tracks.