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As a village moves nearer to buying a disused church as a community hall, a rival bidder has stepped in.
Discussions at the weekend are set to have hammered out details about the future running of a borough council after Conservatives lost control.
Schools in Kent are told there's no need to lose the location of their time capsules.
The Lib Dems have yet to secure coalition partners to run a borough council where the Tories have lost control.
The pandemic and business uncertainty has proved the swansong for a town's music store.
A council has announced extra consultation events for a development it is behind, after a blunder meant many neighbours were not informed.
A council leader has warned that nothing can stop housing development on a treasured green space after a 'dreadful decision' by planning inspectors.
Council tax payers who don't use direct debit are waiting for their £150 rebate but will not receive it automatically.
A former Tory councillor has rejoined the party to ensure the Conservatives keep control of a key borough.
A charity walker aims to complete his 1,000km trek on his 74th birthday.
A waste collection firm contracted with several Kent authorities has been criticised for continuing to operate in Russia amid the war with Ukraine.
The combination of a lack of dropped kerbs and pavement parking prevents a disabled man from travelling the 200 yards to his local shops.
We cast a critical eye of over 15 Kent housing sites and learn how Local Design Codes might be the answer to everyone's problems.
The Conservatives no longer hold the majority over a borough council after losing two seats in the local elections.
A Kent man has been jailed for 12 years after admitting killing a pedestrian by running him over in a van.
KCC has been condemned for its arrogance after refusing to send highways officers to explain its junction scheme.
A bus has collided with railings, but fortunately there are no serious injuries.
The older sister of the charity campaigner Peggy Wood has celebrated her 100th birthday.
A criminal has been caught after police cracked an encrypted mobile phone platform used by drug gangs.
We investigate where the Section 106 money collected from developers over the years has gone.