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Emergency services launched a big search operation last night following reports a person had been spotted in the River Medway.
A teenager has been charged in connection with reports of a robbery where a man was threatened with a knife.
The founder of a food bank says his volunteers are facing 'abuse' from people who cannot get the products they want as fresh food supplies dwindle.
Four people have been charged after a man was stabbed in a town centre following a fight caught on a doorbell camera.
After missing out on a share of a government fund for regeneration, here is an overview of other developments coming to a town centre.
A 30-year-old whose dad died from an aggressive brain tumour is swimming a marathon in his memory.
A main road into a village has been partially closed after a large amount of rubbish was dumped.
It has been confirmed asylum seekers are moving into a hotel today, despite council concerns on extremist views.
Police cordoned off part of a shopping street and arrested five people after a man was injured following reports of a fight.
Plans to give an empty village boozer a new lease of life have been unveiled.
An opening date has been confirmed for a historic town jewellers set to reopen under the ownership of another of Kent's renowned gem traders.
New landlords are hoping to transform a pub and bring it back to life for the community.
As figures show joblessness in Kent continues to rise, business experts have explained why some companies are still having trouble hiring.
Four anglers from Kent have been hit with fines after they were caught illegally fishing in lakes.
An escalator and lift at a supermarket have been closed off to the public after it was believed to be damaged by youths.
Furniture, cardboard boxes, a TV, and gas canisters are among items which have been dumped in a village.
A group of young people have been recognised nationally for their work in tackling hate crime and bullying.
Residents have slammed proposals to build a new retirement complex on the site of a former bowling green amid a dwindling stock of outdoors space.
Rescuers spent three and a half hours breaking down a chimney to save a wood pigeon which had become trapped.
Around 70 charges have been brought against offenders as part of a police crackdown on crime in a town centre.