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An Age UK charity will be transforming a hotel into a community hub with extra care housing and respite spaces to ease hospital bed blocking.
The Port of London Authority is set to invest £10 million into a new control centre as it predicts a significant increase in river traffic.
Businesses across the county are doing their bit to help support the victims of a devastating earthquake in the Middle East.
Bosses at a conservation project have lowered the cost of entry for another month which also includes half term.
A hairdresser is retiring after cutting thousands of heads of hair, doing hundreds of perms and seeing styles come back into fashion.
New homes could be built at the site of a devastating fire that destroyed two houses eight months ago.
Police and paramedics were called following a crash between a car and a teenage pedestrian.
A council leader has accused the Home Secretary of creating tensions within the community over plans to move 70 asylum seekers into a hotel.
A major development set for a town centre car park has been approved by council members.
More than 30 dogs who were found at a bungalow after their owner died are on the road to recovery.
Plans to demolish flats to make way for 46 new council homes have been approved.
A pensioner says he has no idea why he has been singled out by stone-throwing yobs who smashed windows and left burning rubbish on his doorstep.
A borough was transformed into a magical winter garden with two light festivals over the weekend.
A council leader has condemned Home Office plans to use a town hotel to house around 70 asylum seekers.
A new way of paying is being introduced into a town centre's council-run car parks.
A nine-year-old has been inspired to help others after he won an award for his involvement in promoting mental health and wellbeing.
More warehouse space at a former power station has been snapped up despite countrywide cuts by big brands.
More plans for new council homes that would see 26 properties demolished and replaced with a mix of flats, maisonettes and houses have been drawn up.
Plans for a mixed-use development of 156 flats, office and retail space have been recommended for approval by council officers.
Two young hairdressers have opened up their first salon after deciding to be their own bosses.