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Just days after a head teacher accused them of spreading disinformation - anti-vaxxers have staged another protest outside a secondary school.
A former air gunner, firefighter, police officer and pub landlord has spoken of his extraordinary life after turning 100.
A former head teacher dubbed 'Britain’s strictest' says he has been applauded by staff for culture changes he has already enforced at a Kent school.
Traffic was left queuing near a busy roundabout after a crash blocked on side of a main road.
The Home Secretary Priti Patel has blasted “selfish” climate protesters who brought traffic to a standstill on the M25.
A motorist almost five times the alcohol limit was seen swerving across a road and brazenly got out of his vehicle with a can of beer in his hand.
A police car was involved in a crash which led to a van driver being taken to hospital.
A controversial former head teacher dubbed “Britain’s strictest” has been parachuted in to a Kent secondary to improve behaviour.
A road is expected to remain shut for days as firefighters remain at the scene of a blaze at a National Grid site.
A head teacher has accused anti-vaxxers of spreading conspiracy theories and disinformation during a protest outside his school gates.
A star from The Only Way is Essex was spotted having some downtime at a luxury hotel.
Boris Johnson saw his majority cut as several Tory MPs - including one from Kent - opposed his tax hike to pay for health and social care.
A software engineer from Kent is set to appear in the The Great British Bakeoff as it returns to screens next week.
Police have unearthed yet another cannabis farm in a Kent district - the third in less than a week.
A thug left a police officer unconscious and requiring surgery after he repeatedly punched them in the face during a horrifying attack.
A cannabis farm has been unearthed by police during a raid - a day after another one was discovered in the same Kent district.
Motorists are facing long delays as work starts on a major junction upgrade to ease congestion on one of Kent's biggest industrial estates.
Southeastern has introduced a new timetable today with more frequent services and longer trains on routes across the network.
A maternity team says there has been a rise in verbal abuse towards staff trying to provide care to patients.
Traffic backed up for miles on a key route through Kent after a crash that destroyed a caravan.
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