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An author and retired postman fears his time in a town “may be coming to an end” because he has been priced out of the rental market.
A "massive noise" disturbed residents when a car flipped onto its roof.
A new steakhouse which replaced a popular chain restaurant has opened its doors.
A harbour porpoise was discovered on a beach this morning.
We spoke to shoppers about what they make of plans for a dramatic redevelopment of a derelict department store.
A pair of window cleaners want to raise £25,000 for the NHS by walking 1,240 miles.
A landlord has opened a barbers next to his pub so punters can enjoy a pint and a trim.
The county boasts some jaw-dropping properties along its coast - but you'd need deep pockets to buy them.
A grandfather who paints portraits to cope with the death of his wife now fears losing his vision and being robbed of his hobby.
A supermarket has apologised after a mum bought baby milk for her 10-week-old son a month past its best-before date.
Supermarket shoppers were "upset" when a two minute silence was interrupted by a tannoy announcement.
A former Thomas Cook store has reopened after being taken over by an independent travel agent.
A RuPaul Drag Race UK star is coming to a Kent town.
Two people have been arrested after a man died in a collision.
A New Year's celebration was blared out of the speakers by mistake at a remembrance service.
A cyclist was taken to hospital after a collision with a car.
A couple have their neighbours to thank for raising the alarm to a fire in their garage.
The discovery of an Albanian national on a Kent beach triggered a huge search operation this morning.
A cordon has been set up around the scene of a reported assault which has left a man in hospital.
Drinkers were left stunned when a 4x4 ploughed into a traffic light outside a micropub.