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A fish and chip shop that was barricaded with a wall of fridges earlier this week has been vandalised with paint.
A Downswood mum is preparing to compete in the World Transplant Games in Argentina.
Heroes and villains came to Maidstone in the droves as part of a twice yearly comic book convention.
A motorcyclist has been injured in a crash in Tonbridge Road, Maidstone.
A motorcyclist whose bike landed in the opposite carriageway of the M20 was not seriously injured.
A former landlord from Hollingbourne has appeared in court charged with committing several sex assaults.
A group of travellers has set up camp on a public park in Maidstone.
A head teacher will be joining a charity walk to mark the first anniversary of her father's death.
A blind dog who touched people's hearts after being tied up and left to die needs a new home.
House values can vary by £100,000 depending on the first line of their address, according to a new study.
The hunt for a missing 10ft python continues, after it emerged a dead snake found nearby was a different one.
Fire crews spent three hours at the scene of a house fire last night.
A high profile dance festival has been pulled weeks before it was due to go ahead.
The owners of a Maidstone fish and chip shop found their business had been barricaded by a wall of fridges.
There were more queues for drivers using the M20 this morning, just an hour after the motorway was reopened.
A woman in her 90s was taken to hospital after the car she was driving smashed into a trolley park.
A young boy who was given indigestion medicine by his GP after complaining of a stomach ache discovered he had a golf-ball sized tumour on his brain.
A food and craft selling co-operative has shut just months after it celebrated its 70th anniversary.
A care home for disabled people in Kent has been told it needs to improve by a leading health watchdog.
Two men who admitted being part of a gang which stole cash from a Maidstone pub's fruit machine have been sentenced.