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A multi-million-pound makeover of a former Marks & Spencer in an area dubbed one of the UK's "most deprived" neighbourhoods has moved a step closer.
A sports centre renovation project to reduce its carbon emissions and running costs is expected to cost taxpayers an extra £330,000.
An Asian fusion restaurant at a £115m development will be allowed to open until 2am, despite fears neighbours will be disturbed by rowdy revellers.
A council has been targeted by hackers, card cloners and fraudsters over the last six months - with a school among the victims.
A new training centre could be built to help firefighters learn new skills and techniques developed following the Grenfell fire tragedy.
A bid to stop people travelling between neighbourhoods has been branded "a draconian ban on free movement" as the plan goes out to consultation.
A recently renovated pub has been allowed to extend its opening hours - despite neighbours’ fears over fighting and drug-taking in the street outside.
A gay bar has been stripped of its licence after police raised fears about drugs, noise and violent incidents - including a group wielding swords.
A luxury hotel popular with celebrities has been criticised by villagers who claim thumping music keeps them awake at night.
A petition requesting a vital path is allowed to stay open while work continues on a seafront housing development has been discussed by councillors.
A pub hailed as a "vital community hub" has narrowly avoided losing its premises licence after a man suffered a serious head injury.
A proposal to transform an ‘underutilised’ community centre into a shop has been rejected by councillors for the second time.
Despite neighbours' claims that the new builds will be “overwhelming and overbearing”, councillors have approved plans for six homes.
More than 200 huge batteries will be erected in Kent to store enough electricity to power over 100,000 homes.
A community club have been given ownership of the stadium they have rented for more than 70 years, boosting plans to open an enterprise centre there.
Plans to transform a derelict former gasworks site with council housing and cafes have been approved.
A social club more than a century old has had a bid to redevelop its premises rejected amid scathing attacks about the designs.
Neighbours have raised fears over noise from rowdy revellers as bars and restaurants at a new £115m leisure complex bid to open until the early hours.
Plans to redevelop a former sheltered housing complex which has become a target for vandals have been refused.
Almost 30 letters of objection have been lodged against “overwhelming and overbearing” proposals for new-build properties.