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Plans have been submitted for a new 24-hour gym in a disused unit at a town retail park.
After the Labour WhatsApp scandal, Dan Esson asks if we want to live in a world where politicians fear every personal indiscretion being publicised.
Owners of a coffee shop hosted in a bus are locked in a planning battle with a council which claims they have no right to be there.
Plans for a huge revamp of a town centre including a leisure centre, homes, a market hall and new footpaths have been altered after public feedback.
A huge solar farm is set to power almost half of a Kent ‘garden town’ and make millions for the council behind the plan.
The new owners of a former Premier Inn have backtracked on plans to rent out rooms for people to live in.
Hopes of rejuvenating an ailing music hall have returned once more after the local authority suffered a funding blow.
Plans for a city centre’s third fish and chip shop within 200 yards have been dashed due to concerns over its extraction fan system.
Proposals for a new nursery, holiday lets and industrial units at a farm hosting the country’s biggest collection of fruit have been rejected.
A council in Kent now has five members of Reform after four members defected to Nigel Farage’s party.
Plans to move a football club onto new grounds and to build homes on the pitches it’s leaving behind have been submitted but not everyone’s happy.
Fears remain over plans to build 2,500 homes on land owned by Prince William, as developers hold events where residents can probe planners on details.
Plans for another solar farm close to important historic ruins have been unveiled, leading to fears the area will turn into a “large industrial park”.
We talk to a man who’s braved war zones, had two Russian wives, and had his political career derailed by an infamous affair with a glamour model...
Landlords are selling up or hiking rent charged to councils by up to £600 a month on vital properties used to provide emergency accommodation.
Controversial plans to make Kent’s most expensive council car parks even pricier have been axed following a public backlash.
Councillors have voted to scrap a restructure slated as a ‘complete waste of time and money’ despite it already costing £70,000.
Plans have been revealed for a battery storage site the size of almost nine football pitches on farmland near a Kent hamlet.
A Kent detective sergeant has been sacked after sexually touching a junior female colleague twice – including inside a police station.
Several buildings in poor condition at an asylum seeker processing centre are set to be demolished as part of upgrades at the site.