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Lib Dem Sarah Smith thinks Port rows need to end

18 January 2014
Lib Dem Sarah Smith thinks Port rows need to end

Recent rows over the Port’s future should come to an end according to Sarah Smith. The Port is too important to Dover to be sold off.

Collision between motorcyclist and car on the A258

16 January 2014
Collision between motorcyclist and car on the A258

Motorists have been delayed on the A258 at Sholden after a collision involving a motorcyclist and a car this morning.

Roof fire in semi detached house in Deal

10 January 2014
Roof fire in semi detached house in Deal

Fire fighters in Deal were called to a roof fire in a semi detached house in St Augustines Road just before midnight last night.

Queen’s bodyguard receives another New Year honour

09 January 2014
Queen’s bodyguard receives another New Year honour

Graham Dear has been awarded the Royal Victorian Medal for his role in the Queen’s Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard

Swishing coming to Deal

09 January 2014
Swishing coming to Deal

Kim Moorin, 43, from River, is a swishing fanatic – and is bringing the craze to Deal.

Two cars set alight in North Barrack Road

08 January 2014
Two cars set alight in North Barrack Road

Two cars set alight in North Barrack Road in Walmer, in two separate incidents, less than two hours apart.

Walkers are forced to dodge the doggy doo

03 January 2014
 Walkers are forced to dodge the doggy doo

A couple in Deal have complained to Dover District Council about the amount of dog mess on the seafront.

Runners beat the wind in the annual New Year’s Day Bra Run

01 January 2014
Runners beat the wind in the annual New Year’s Day Bra Run

Joggers set out in style this morning to compete in the tenth and last New Year’s Day Bra Run, in aid of Breast Cancer Care.

Woman jumps off ferry in 'suicide bid'

23 December 2013
Woman jumps off ferry in 'suicide bid'

P&O ferry passengers were left horrified when a young woman plunged 130ft into freezing water in an apparent suicide bid.

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