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Organisers of a huge outdoor carol-singing event say they have reluctantly cancelled the gathering because of rising Covid cases.
A new bid to build 4,000 homes has been launched - after the last attempt was quashed following a legal challenge.
Villagers are protesting over plans for 30 new homes near to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Intruders climbing onto the roofs of high street properties are risking their lives and causing damage to historic buildings, say witnesses.
A young lurcher was found tied to a lamp post and cruelly abandoned with a broken leg on a cold, dark night.
A couple have revealed special plans for a derelict pub which they are bringing back to life.
A Christmas tree erected to bring some festive cheer to a village has been stolen.
A man and woman are set to appear in court accused of numerous thefts from the same Co-op branch.
A fresh bid to build new beach hits has been unveiled - just three months after previous proposals were snubbed.
The government is being urged to find the money to make urgent improvements to a 'nightmare' roundabout connecting major roads in Kent.
The traditional festive foxhound meets are being revived but anti-hunting demonstrators are planning protests.
Football club officials are angry and frustrated at the 'mindless' damage which is estimated to cost almost £2,000.
Bosses of a popular Kent golf club are hoping to build a housing estate on its land to help pay for a new clubhouse.
An Insulate Britain protester facing a jail sentence for blocking roads says losing his liberty is a small price to pay to save the planet.
Bidding is expected to be brisk for this tiny cottage which has just two rooms and is nestled beside a picturesque city park and river.
Police have been cracking down on drug crime and anti-social behaviour in response to reports by members of the public and businesses.
Residents say a bypass proposed to pass just yards from their houses will shatter their peace and quiet, cause pollution and devalue their properties.
More than 20 stars of stage, television, the kitchen and even space have donated a pair of their denims for a unique teddy bear charity project.
A campaign has been launched to prevent a proposed new city bypass from carving through historic woodland.
A popular pizza takeaway in Kent is in the running to retain its title as the best in the UK.
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