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Schizophrenic sent to Broadmoor after nearly killing inmate

20 April 2016
Schizophrenic sent to Broadmoor after nearly killing inmate

A prisoner left a fellow inmate with bulging eyes after trying to throttle him in a racially motivated attack.

Gun drops from drug addict's trousers

20 April 2016
Gun drops from drug addict's trousers

A drug addict landed himself in court after a gun dropped out of his trousers when he was told to pull them up at a recovery clinic.

Man denies causing death of 94-year-old walker

19 April 2016
Man denies causing death of 94-year-old walker

A man has denied causing the death of a 94-year-old woman who was run over by a car while crossing the road.

Bouncer loses job after violent road rage attack

18 April 2016
Bouncer loses job after violent road rage attack

A bouncer who unleashed a flurry of blows against another driver after pulling out into moving traffic has been spared jail.

Jail for teacher who groomed 14-year-old girl for sex

18 April 2016
Jail for teacher who groomed 14-year-old girl for sex

When a 14-year-old girl confided in a teacher, he took the opportunity to groom her for sex, a court has heard.

Burglar stole vehicle and crashed into police car while drunk

18 April 2016
Burglar stole vehicle and crashed into police car while drunk

A pair of serial burglars who stole items including a car during a raid were arrested after one of them smashed it into a police vehicle while drunk.

Grandad found dead in flat 'suffered substantial assault'

15 April 2016
Grandad found dead in flat 'suffered substantial assault'

A grandfather found dead on the floor of his kitchen had suffered "a substantial assault" according to prosecutors, as a man stands accused of murder.

Men jailed after flat used as drug base

15 April 2016
Men jailed after flat used as drug base

Two drug dealers have been jailed after police seized a huge quantity of heroin and crack cocaine from a flat in Kent.

Man accused of running string of brothels

14 April 2016
Man accused of running string of brothels

A man went on trial this week accused of controlling prostitutes and running brothels.

Teacher's trial moved out of Kent

12 April 2016
Teacher's trial moved out of Kent

A PE teacher and former semi-professional footballer, accused of theft and intimidation, will appear in a London court not a Kent one, a judge ruled.

Dealers locked up

12 April 2016
Dealers locked up

Two drug dealers have been locked up after they were arrested in a part of Kent a judge described as a “honey pot” for such offending.

Men 'gang-raped' drunk teenage girl

12 April 2016
Men 'gang-raped' drunk teenage girl

A drunk teenage girl was gang-raped after she went to a house late at night for what she thought was a party, a court heard.

Judge's apology to victim for delay in jailing pervert teacher

11 April 2016
Judge's apology to victim for delay in jailing pervert teacher

A judge has apologised to the victim of a pervert teacher after she turned up to court to see him jailed - to find the sentencing had been put back.

Murderer: 'Dear children, I've done an horrendous thing'

08 April 2016
Murderer: 'Dear children, I've done an horrendous thing'

A 54-year-old IT consultant wrote a bizarre confession note to his children hours after throttling their mother following months of torment.

Paedophile exposed himself to child at leisure centre

08 April 2016
Paedophile exposed himself to child at leisure centre

A convicted sex offender who exposed himself to a little girl after lurking in changing cubicles at a leisure centre has been locked up.

Drunk man's savage attack on barmaid

05 April 2016
Drunk man's savage attack on barmaid

A man who launched a violent attack on a barmaid - which left her needing specialist surgery - has been jailed.

Mum confronted by hammer-wielding burglar in home

05 April 2016
Mum confronted by hammer-wielding burglar in home

A mother has been left paranoid and terrified after a hammer-wielding masked burglar broke into her house and threatened her.

Woman 'ditched knife' for double murder suspect

05 April 2016
Woman 'ditched knife' for double murder suspect

A woman charged with assisting a man accused of a double murder is alleged to have disposed of a knife, a court has heard.

Former pub landlord admits High Street bomb hoax

04 April 2016
Former pub landlord admits High Street bomb hoax

An elderly man has admitted making a hoax in which he threatened to explode a bomb at a bank.

Serial robber targeted bank days after leaving jail

04 April 2016
Serial robber targeted bank days after leaving jail

A robber who held up a bank just three days after his release from an eight-year jail sentence has now been locked up again.

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