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Two people have appeared in court and three others are under investigation in relation to a series of break-ins across east Kent.
An annual community fair is not be taking place this summer after organisers pulled out due to injury.
A Kent landlord who is evicting 90 families is the focus of an upcoming TV show.
Six fire engines rushed to the scene of a blaze in a domestic property which firefighters are working to bring under control.
Southeastern says train services are expected to resume shortly after two landslides hit a popular line between Kent and East Sussex.
Police are hunting for a young man who threatened a child and injured his father in a Kent village playground.
A Kent councillor suspended from the Conservative Party over historic Facebook posts has issued an apology for his actions.
A popular pub restaurant chain has announced it is closing one of its Kent branches in just a fortnight.
Here's the full list of the 32 schools from the Canterbury district and Faversham that have taken part in this year's KM Mother's Day drawing special.
A man in his 40s has been left with facial injuries after a reported break-in at his home.
A railway service has reopened after a tree fell onto train tracks in high winds causing delays.
Engineers are working to restore power to dozens of homes left without electricity after a fault in an overhead line.
A mosque has opened its doors to the public in solidarity with those affected by the New Zealand shootings.
Kent MPs have penned messages of shock after shootings at two mosques have seen 49 people killed.
A 20-year-old who threatened a woman with a knife in order to steal £100 has been sentenced to more than four years in prison.
An A-road remains closed in both directions after an HGV toppled into a nearby field yesterday.
Children at a Kent primary school have been asked not to buy red noses for Comic Relief this year in a bid to cut down on single-use plastic.
Police and ambulance vehicles descended following the death of a man at a property.
'We're watching you' is the council's message to dog owners in new posters aiming to clamp down on fouling.
The Met Office has issued a weather warning across Kent as gale-force winds are expected to batter the county.
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