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Driver's parents 'took evidence from scene of double fatal crash'

04 November 2022
Driver's parents 'took evidence from scene of double fatal crash'

The parents of a driver accused of killing a father and daughter in a crash have appeared in court charged with taking evidence away from the scene.

Convicted murderer from Albania among those processed at Manston

03 November 2022
Convicted murderer from Albania among those processed at Manston

A convicted murderer from Albania was among those sent to the overcrowded Manston processing centre in the past month, KentOnline can reveal.

The criminals locked up in October

01 November 2022
The criminals locked up in October

This month arsonists, banned drivers, drug dealers and sex offenders have all been locked up for their crimes.


Thug attacked partner and then bombarded her with texts

31 October 2022
Thug attacked partner and then bombarded her with texts

A thug who assaulted his partner and damaged her sofa later broke his bail conditions by bombarding the woman with texts and phone calls.

Driver punched traffic warden after being given ticket

28 October 2022
Driver punched traffic warden after being given ticket

An irate motorist fined for parking in a disabled bay attacked the parking attendant and told him to go back to his own country.


Drink-driver crashed into tree on way home

27 October 2022
Drink-driver crashed into tree on way home

A drink-driver who crashed into a tree on his way home after celebrating a friend's good news said he did so because he swerved to avoid an animal.

Drink driver caught at Bluewater boy racer hot spot

27 October 2022
Drink driver caught at Bluewater boy racer hot spot

A 26-year-old pulled over because his lights weren't working was found to be over the limit and driving on a provisional licence.


Convict on run after 'prison escape' found in Kent

25 October 2022
Convict on run after 'prison escape' found in Kent

An armed robber who reportedly escaped from prison was found and arrested in Kent.

Drink driver pulled over for going too slow

24 October 2022
Drink driver pulled over for going too slow

A motorist stopped by police because he was driving too slowly was found to be over the limit and without a valid licence.


Hapless thief tried three times to steal booze from Tesco and B&M

23 October 2022
Hapless thief tried three times to steal booze from Tesco and B&M

A shoplifter with a drink problem tried three times to steal booze from two shops but was caught by security every time.


Pervert bought Thor costume on Amazon to rape child

22 October 2022
Pervert bought Thor costume on Amazon to rape child

A pervert who arranged to meet a boy to rape him came armed with a Thor costume because he thought it was the youngster's favourite Marvel character.

Drunk football fan admits hurling abuse and threatening rivals

19 October 2022
Drunk football fan admits hurling abuse and threatening rivals

A drunken football fan who threatened people and hurled abuse at a station after a match has been sentenced after admitting disorderly behaviour.

Thief who used angle grinder to break into shop

16 October 2022
Thief who used angle grinder to break into shop

A thief who broke into a shop using an angle grinder has been jailed for for six-and-a-half years after admitting a string of burglaries.


Thief stole gold worth more than £18k from two jewellery shops

16 October 2022
Thief stole gold worth more than £18k from two jewellery shops

A thief who admitted stealing gold worth more than £18,000 from two jewellery shops in the county is facing jail.


'I had a few more and thought I was OK'

08 October 2022
'I had a few more and thought I was OK'

A drink-driver downed several pints before crashing his BMW into a hedge less than a mile from his home.

Necrophiliac appears in court charged with 16 more sexual offences

06 October 2022
Necrophiliac appears in court charged with 16 more sexual offences

Necrophiliac and murderer David Fuller has appeared in court after being charged with 16 more sexual offences.

Banned driver caught with two children in car

05 October 2022
Banned driver caught with two children in car

A disqualified driver told police he was forced to get behind the wheel to pick up medication for his mother.


Driver 'given hash brownie at BBQ'

05 October 2022
Driver 'given hash brownie at BBQ'

A mum-of-three pulled over by police smelling of weed claims she'd unknowingly been given a brownie containing cannabis, a court heard.


Drug dealer peddled deliveries on push-bike

04 October 2022
Drug dealer peddled deliveries on push-bike

A cannabis dealer was stopped on his bicycle by police because he was sweating and looked nervous and was found to have drugs in his bag.


Shoplifter caused £350 damage to Sainsbury's fire door

02 October 2022
Shoplifter caused £350 damage to Sainsbury's fire door

A thief who stole chocolate and other goods from a Sainsbury's caused major damage to a door as he legged it from the scene.

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