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A brave teenager has revealed how her life was torn apart after she was secretly filmed in the shower by her paedophile brother-in-law.
Day-to-day life in Kent changed dramatically when the first Covid lockdown was imposed five years ago, as our pictures show.
A pensioner whose body was found after emergency services descended on a popular park has been named.
A controversial scheme housing asylum seekers in a former military barracks will be scrapped this year, it’s been revealed.
Commuters faced heavy delays this morning after crashes on both directions of a busy motorway.
A leading bank has confirmed it will make major changes in Kent – with three branches closing and a further two going ‘counter-free’.
The makers of a new Monopoly game have been left red-faced after selling copies with the wrong picture of a Kent high street.
Journey times between Kent and London could be drastically cut by ‘flying taxis’ set to be trialled in the UK.
A defiant school has won the fight to stop a cash-strapped council selling its sport pitches in a bid to make money.
Emergency services descended on a village following the discovery of a man’s body inside a property.
One of Kent’s oldest pubs has gone up for sale following its shock closure last month.
A popular food hall and outdoor venue wants to be able to serve alcohol throughout the day without the need for guests to order food.
A well-known pub landlord and champion of local sports has died following a short illness.
A 21-year-old has been charged with attempted murder after a reported assault which left a man with serious head injuries.
Car park visits in two Kent coastal towns have dropped by more than 30,000 since “eye-watering” fee hikes were imposed last year.
Our reporter takes a break from the newsroom and enjoys drinks, dinner and jazz music in a cosy, intimate setting for this week’s food review.
A “filthy” B&M store has been given a zero-star food hygiene rating after inspectors found evidence of rats gnawing on pallets of food.
Exclusive: A Kent couple blindfolded and interrogated by Iranian police have told of their terrifying ordeal - and how they made their great escape.
A former pub which served a village for hundreds of years has been turned into a luxury Airbnb.
Landlords at a popular seaside pub dating back more than 200 years have stunned punters by announcing its sudden closure.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!