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A council has pledged an extra £300,000 for refurbishment loans to reduce the number of homes sitting empty
It is not yet confirmed if Charlie Elphicke, who has a court case hanging over him, will stand again in his constituency.
Dover District Council’s cabinet has agreed to recommend that full council declares a climate change emergency.
Speedway motorcycle fans are in mourning following the passing away of a champion rider from the Seventies and Eighties.
A special church service takes place for 39 migrants who were found dead in the back of a refrigerated lorry last month.
A community group is calling for locals to join a meeting to give ideas for new projects for their area.
More than £500,000 is to be spent on resurfacing a 4km bike route to encourage people to walk and cycle more.
Police are hunting a knifeman with a Liverpudlian accent after a failed robbery in a Kent park.
District councillors at a meeting last night elected another leader after the sudden resignation of his predecessor.
A Green Party report says that making sure no house or flat is left empty would help the local economy.
A group of Afghans have been discovered hidden in a refrigerated lorry, says the UK's Border Force.
A Kent MP has applauded the present ending of Operation Brock but stresses there are other road delay problems to take on.
A teenager has been arrested after a fire at a shopping centre car park is thought to have started deliberately.
A primary school shut its pupils indoors this morning following a suspected migrant incident.
The programme for a town's commemoration of the war fallen has been announced and the Garden of Remembrance is being prepared.
Seven people go on trial in February after pleading not guilty in charges over an anti-arms supply protest in August.
Seven people are due at a magistrates court following an anti-arms supply protest in August
A second Sixties car has been stolen in the same part of Kent in a fortnight.
Five people have been arrested after 13 migrants, including one child, were found in a livestock lorry.
A crash between a lorry and a van caused long delays.