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New mums are hoping to raise the awareness of tongue tie after their babies struggled to feed and became dangerously underweight.
Ambitious and modern plans for a new town centre development went on show to the public for the first time today.
A man who allegedly performed a sex act in front of a child is due in court today.
Fire crews led a man to safety after a chip pan caught alight at his flat.
A man has died after the lorry he was driving overturned on the M20, closing the motorway for more than nine hours.
A blaze which started in an oven and spread to kitchen units has left a house in Kent badly smoke damaged.
An employee of Marks & Spencer was stuck in a service lift for two hours following an electical fault.
A driver has found himself in a spot of bother this afternoon, after getting stuck on a Kent beach.
Missed opportunities by police - including failing to take a DNA sample from a suspect - allowed him to strike again.
Drivers are facing delays after a lorry overturned on a busy stretch of road this morning
A road was closed this morning after a lorry hit a bridge and knocked a height restriction sign loose, making it unsafe to drive under.
A paedophile is waiting to be sentenced after his short temper gave him away - to an alert pub landlord.
A man who targeted three homes in the same street has been jailed for four years, after leaving his DNA behind on a bottle of Prosecco.
A proposal for a new open-air rifle range has been put on hold following fears someone could be “maimed”.
An American man could be forced to leave the UK after a decade - because the authorities think his relationship is fake.
A man in his 70s has been taken to hospital after collapsing on a footbridge.
A family had a lucky escape after a portable mobile charger case caught fire in the middle of the night, damaging their sofa and carpet.
New measures are being brought in after screeching tyres and beeping horns in a town centre car park caused havoc for nearby residents at night.
The emergency services have been called following a crash on the M20 this afternoon, in which a driver was hit by flying debris.
Expansion plans for a Kent shopping centre have been approved - although a list of banned restaurants has been handed to the owner.