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Eagle-eyed residents spotted an unusual sight in the skies as an iconic airship made its way over Kent ahead of schedule.
Landlord Fergus Wilson has been ordered to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds to a council after he subjected employees to a 'decade of harassment'.
Beautiful South star Paul Heaton has put money behind the bar at one Kent pub as he encourages punters to celebrate his birthday with a free drink.
Thousands of pounds has been awarded to a hospice to professionally record a song to perform as part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
Hundreds of new flats have been approved as part of a town centre's regeneration - but developers are set to restrict 'unsightly items' on balconies.
A 'booming' nightclub says it is going the extra mile to keep apace with the younger generation wanting to charge their phones to get Uber rides home.
Businesses threatened with eviction due to proposals for a multi-billion pound theme park have submitted claims for costs due to trade and job losses.
An appeal against a decision to refuse planning permission for a controversial caravan development on a protected woodland site has been refused.
A dad diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease aged just 35 has spoken out and started a "bucket list" to help raise vital funds and inspire others.
A major print firm has pledged to go carbon neutral as it ups sticks from the capital to move to Kent to open a new multi-million pound facility.
A popular playgroup has celebrated its 50th anniversary while paying tribute to a much-loved former leader who ran the club for more than 30 years.
People from around the UK have welcomed two coach-loads of Ukrainians they are going to give homes to.
A teenage boy has been charged following reports a man was threatened and had his bag stolen while walking through a park.
A former Britain's Got Talent contestant is on a mission to get the nation smiling as she represents the UK at the World Laughter Championships.
Rooms inside a luxury hotel are still being sold to potential investors as part of a multi-billion pound theme park proposal despite plans stalling.
A major supermarket chain has confirmed its arrangements for customer parking ahead of a store closure to carry out a refurbishment.
A child has been taken to hospital after reports they had fallen off their bike in front of traffic outside a school.
A school has been handed an extra £4,000 to help deliver the first phase of plans for an on-site food forest and eco-classroom.
Officers are investigating a series of incidents in which vehicles have been deliberately scratched with keys.
Parents and residents have slammed a decision to cone off already scant parking space outside school gates, describing the aftermath as 'total chaos'.
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