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‘Why Kent could learn a thing or two from Cornwall’

17 July 2024
‘Why Kent could learn a thing or two from Cornwall’

While holidaying in Cornwall, Secret Thinker considers why our south-west counterparts have been “far more successful” in attracting tourists.


‘Should we call out racist attitudes of our elders? Or be more tolerant ourselves?’

10 July 2024
‘Should we call out racist attitudes of our elders? Or be more tolerant ourselves?’

Older people can sometimes spout ‘un-PC’ sentiments that make the youth of today wince - but should their views be challenged, asks Secret Thinker…


‘It’s no wonder we can’t handle the heat - we’re not equipped to in this country’

03 July 2024
‘It’s no wonder we can’t handle the heat - we’re not equipped to in this country’

Summer finally (and briefly) arrived last week, along with a whole lot of moaning - but Secret Thinker says there’s a reason we can’t handle the heat.


‘Parking charges are cluttering up the roads’

26 June 2024
‘Parking charges are cluttering up the roads’

Only one vehicle was parked in a once free, busy car park which has recently introduced charges and the Secret Thinker was not impressed.


‘Healthcare advancements to be applauded - but we still need to get basics right’

19 June 2024
‘Healthcare advancements to be applauded - but we still need to get basics right’

From surgery conducted from the other side of the world to restarting hearts remotely, Secret Thinker explores remarkable advancements in healthcare.


‘Six hours in A&E and I didn’t see a single person dealt with efficiently’

12 June 2024
‘Six hours in A&E and I didn’t see a single person dealt with efficiently’

Secret Thinker’s love-hate relationship with the NHS continues after an eye-opening wait in A&E, where he witnessed an ‘astonishing’ number of errors.


‘Can England go all the way? Anything short of bringing the trophy home will be a failure’

05 June 2024
‘Can England go all the way? Anything short of bringing the trophy home will be a failure’

Secret Thinker has high hopes for the Three Lions at the Euros, who he thinks could go all the way now Southgate has dropped certain players…


‘Is Rishi’s national service bombshell further proof the Tories have lost the plot?’

29 May 2024
‘Is Rishi’s national service bombshell further proof the Tories have lost the plot?’

The Tories’ bold pledge to bring back national service has caused quite a stir - but its impact on voters remains to be seen, writes Secret Thinker…


‘We should be able to allow people to end their lives with dignity’

22 May 2024
‘We should be able to allow people to end their lives with dignity’

When dogs are allowed to die pain-free and dignified deaths but people are not, something is clearly very wrong, writes Secret Thinker.


‘After a sunny weekend campervanning, I’m a true convert’

15 May 2024
‘After a sunny weekend campervanning, I’m a true convert’

Secret Thinker was initially dubious when people kept waving at him - but then realised campervanners are among the friendliest people you can meet.


‘Politics, like sport, needs big characters who engage people - I’d vote for Ronnie O’Sullivan’

08 May 2024
‘Politics, like sport, needs big characters who engage people - I’d vote for Ronnie O’Sullivan’

Politics, like sport, needs big characters who know how to work a crowd - or voters and spectators will merely switch off, says Secret Thinker.


‘Choice at the barbers nowadays is staggering - all I want is a short back and sides’

01 May 2024
‘Choice at the barbers nowadays is staggering - all I want is a short back and sides’

While waiting at the barbers for a trim, Secret Thinker marvels at the choice nowadays - from fader and razor cuts to hot towel shaves and singeing.


‘Potholes go unfixed while major route faces traffic chaos for pointless roadworks’

24 April 2024
‘Potholes go unfixed while major route faces traffic chaos for pointless roadworks’

Secret Thinker is being driven round the bend by traffic chaos caused by “pointless roadworks” on a major route - while potholes elsewhere go unfixed.


‘Face-off with road rage hothead made me realise my scrapping days are over’

17 April 2024
‘Face-off with road rage hothead made me realise my scrapping days are over’

He’s had his fair share of bust-ups, but in the face of an aggressive driver this week, Secret Thinker found himself taking the high road.


‘Was I naive to think I was actually in with a chance of getting Micky Flanagan tickets?’

10 April 2024
‘Was I naive to think I was actually in with a chance of getting Micky Flanagan tickets?’

Secret Thinker was one of many left disappointed after failing to secure tickets for Micky Flanagan’s Kent gig – but was he ever in with a chance?


‘Given most people don’t give a jot, is it time to rethink the Easter holidays?’

03 April 2024
‘Given most people don’t give a jot, is it time to rethink the Easter holidays?’

Opinion: For some the Easter weekend is a crucial time to reflect but our columnist thinks the whole period is due a rethink for the modern era…


‘It’s only right the wronged are compensated – but we all end up paying the price’

27 March 2024
‘It’s only right the wronged are compensated – but we all end up paying the price’

It’s only fair for anyone wronged by public bodies to receive compensation, but as Secret Thinker says, we usually end up footing the bill.


‘Football is being dragged in the gutter – we need zero-tolerance policy to referee abuse’

20 March 2024
‘Football is being dragged in the gutter – we need zero-tolerance policy to referee abuse’

The pace at which football is clamping down on referee abuse is ‘unbelievable’ says Secret Thinker, who is calling for a zero-tolerance approach.


‘Why should everyone have to fork out because some choose to live on floodplains and cliffs?

13 March 2024
‘Why should everyone have to fork out because some choose to live on floodplains and cliffs?

This week, Secret Thinker bemoans the rocketing cost of insurance – and begrudges having to pay through the nose due to other people’s risky choices.


‘It’s amazing what you find during a clear-up – faeces, bones and even a baby!’

06 March 2024
‘It’s amazing what you find during a clear-up – faeces, bones and even a baby!’

This week, Secret Thinker reveals the weird, worrying and downright bizarre items he found during a recent clear-up outside a block of flats.

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