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Dover fall just short after shocking start to London 1 South clash at Brighton on Saturday.
An NHS trust has apologised after a health centre displayed an "offensive" notice turning away gay men.
Dover goalkeeper Mitch Walker tastes defeat as he plays for first time since being injured last September in FA Trophy loss at Bath City.
A Polish lorry driver was found dead on-board P&O's Spirit of France vessel in the early hours of this morning.
A Kent woman explains how she fell victim to immigration marriage fraud - and lost everything in a day.
Dover are out of the FA Trophy after losing 2-1 at Bath City on Tuesday.
Plans for a licensing scheme for landlords that aims to improve conditions of poor housing in the district are being drawn up.
Electricity was switched off at a train station after a fight said to have involved a baseball bat broke out on the tracks.
Do you know where the White Cliffs of Dover are? It's a mystery to some, according to mapmakers Ordnance Survey.
Dover to face North Ferriby United in FA Trophy semi-finals if they win quarter-final replay at Bath City on Tuesday.
Two fire crews fought flames in a wood store in Martin, near Dover, last night (Sunday).
Dover boss Chris Kinnear praises the never-say-die spirit of his side after the stunning comeback in the FA Trophy against Bath City.
A month’s alcohol suspension for Londis in Market Square will not be enforced for another two weeks, giving the store the opportunity to appeal.
Port-bound motorists coming in to Dover are still being advised to use the M2/A2 because of long queues on the A20 after earlier delays.
Dover produced a thrilling FA Trophy quarter-final comeback against Bath at Crabble.
A man has appeared in court accused of raping a woman at 4am on Christmas Day.
A call has been made for the street lights to be switched on before contractors fit energy saving LED strips in residential areas.
Dover boss Chris Kinnear is just two rounds away from making a return trip to Wembley but in completely different role to the one he had in 1972.
A green Renault Scenic car is "severely damaged" following a blaze in its boot.
A Dover mum has expressed her concerns over “last minute” changes to her disabled son’s school-run transport.
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