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We meet the collectors from Kent whose passion for soccer replica kits has lead them on a quest to track down rare and coveted shirts.
Police were called after a toddler was found wandering down a street alone.
A murder probe launched by detectives after the grisly discovery of a body over an Indian restaurant has been closed.
KentOnline reporter James Pallant drew the short straw and spent the night at the 'UK's worst hotel'. Here's how he got on....
A popular seafront hotel has announced its closure with "immediate effect", leaving locals and staff shocked and upset.
A landlord says he is surprised at opposition to beer garden plans after receiving just one noise complaint in eight years.
A spoof news segment in which people in a coastal town express anti-immigrant sentiments has drawn criticism on social media.
Roland Edge is backing Folkestone’s current crop of players to lead them up the table - if they can cut out costly errors.
Bosses at a Kent school have confirmed why police were called out today - in order to dispel rumours circulating on social media.
A hotel chain behind one of Kent's most recognisable seaside hotels has been rated worst in the UK for the tenth year running.
Police tape was wrapped around a car after it crashed into the middle of a roundabout.
Long-serving former manager Neil Cugley has been handed a new position at Folkestone.
Roland Edge says Folkestone tonight will not be underestimating Lewes ahead of the Isthmian Premier match between the two teams.
Part of the M20 was closed following a medical incident in a vehicle, with traffic being diverted off the carriageway.
The opening date for a highly-anticipated two-storey drive-thru located in a town's Tesco car park has now been confirmed.
A “luxury” sea view flat situated next to an Iceland car park has gone on the market for almost £3 million - even before having been built.
A young woman feared she might die after an attacker smashed her head against the wall of a dark alleyway.
A father-of-three secretly built a cocaine enterprise worth more than £40k behind his partner's back after losing his job.
Locals have scoffed at a Kent council forced to pay £260 after having one if its vehicles clamped by government authorities.
Improving Folkestone’s league position is the main priority, according to Micheal Everitt.