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Nursery children have been deprived of their favourite nature spot after vandals set fire to benches in a community garden.
A mega tunnel scheme which would link Kent to Essex has purchased hydrogen in an attempt to replace 20 million litres worth of diesel at its sites.
A low-cost housing solution involving stackable pods could be used to house homeless people as a borough looks at new ways to tackle the problem.
Northfleet School for Girls have joined forces with XL@Football to create a post-16 academy - the first of its kind in north Kent.
The mum of a 22-year-old who died in a motorbike accident says her son would still be alive if the road had been repaired.
Work is set to start to clear up a mountain of illegally dumped tyres which have blocked a coastal path for 21 months.
There was a frosty welcome in store for the Secret Drinker when he ventured out to this “functional” village boozer.
Dennis Kutrieb has been struck by new signing David Amoo’s humility following his move to Ebbsfleet.
A sports club are looking to attract new members as they encourage people to give rugby a try.
A family has paid tribute to a doting dad and classic car enthusiast who died from cancer shortly after having life-prolonging treatment axed.
Eight fire engines were called to a blaze at a derelict building in the early hours.
A shop has had to close its doors all day after a reported burglary.
Several train services were cancelled, delayed or revised due to damage found on tracks at a station this afternoon.
Ebbsfleet United have been handed a stern opening-day test on their return to the National League.
A shopping centre was cordoned off after a shop worker was reportedly assaulted.
Ebbsfleet boss Dennis Kutrieb has described goalkeeper Chris Haigh’s loan return to Oxford City as a good fit for everyone.
A group of caravans have been pictured on a green space, with residents saying they were seen driving over cricket pitches.
As many lose their “outstanding” Ofsted ratings, one nursery has managed to buck the trend in keeping its high score.
It has been revealed that armed police were called into a busy town centre after reports of a man being seen with a gun.
Council officers have cleared explicit graffiti off playground equipment only a few weeks after it was installed.
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