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Santander announces closure of Herne Bay, Tenterden and Dover branches with changes to Sittingbourne and Gravesend services

A leading bank has confirmed it will make major changes in Kent – with three branches closing and a further two going ‘counter-free’.

Santander has said it will cease operations in Herne Bay, Tenterden and Dover as part of sweeping changes across its network.

Santander in Gravesend is one of five Kent branches undergoing major changes. Picture: Google
Santander in Gravesend is one of five Kent branches undergoing major changes. Picture: Google

The firm will also transform the Gravesend and Sittingbourne branches, removing the traditional banking teller behind a counter while still offering some face-to-face interaction.

It is expected 750 jobs could be at risk countrywide with 95 branches across Santander’s 444 existing sites set for the axe.

Tenterden’s Santander will shut on July 7, with Herne Bay’s closing a day later. A date has yet to be confirmed for Dover.

Sittingbourne will go counter-free on June 30, with Gravesend following suit on August 4.

Santander says 93% of the UK population will still be within 10 miles of a branch following the changes, and customers can also use Post Office branches.

The bank says it has seen a rapid movement of customers choosing to do their banking digitally, with a 63% increase in digital transactions since 2019, while financial transactions completed in branches reduced by 61% in the same period.

Santander is shutting 95 branches countrywide. Picture: PA
Santander is shutting 95 branches countrywide. Picture: PA

A spokesperson for Santander UK said: “As customer behaviour changes, we are ensuring that our branches remain fit for the future.

“Our new combination of full-service branches, alongside Work Cafés, counter-free branches and reduced hours branches, aims to provide the right balance between digital banking and face-to-face money management and guidance.

“As a business, we must move with customers and balance our investment across all the places where we interact with customers, to deliver the very best for them now and in the future.

“Closing a branch is always a very difficult decision and we spend a great deal of time assessing where and when we do this and how to minimise the impact it may have on our customers.”

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