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Ice men's boss: We're not panicking

Ice men's boss: We're not panicking

Otford win village of the year prize

Otford win village of the year prize

Owen injury add to Fleet's woes

Owen injury add to Fleet's woes

Chaplain in push for helpers

Chaplain in push for helpers

Go-ahead for entension to historic building

Go-ahead for entension to historic building

Hess kept waiting over Saunders move

Hess kept waiting over Saunders move

Children pulled fron car fireball

Children pulled fron car fireball

Warning to Government over housing crisis

Warning to Government over housing crisis

Blaze 13 by farm arsonist

Blaze 13 by farm arsonist

Only a win may do for athletes

Only a win may do for athletes

New names take to rugby field

New names take to rugby field

Smoke plume seen for miles

Smoke plume seen for miles

High Court challenge over airport

High Court challenge over airport

Pony killed in arson attack

Pony killed in arson attack

Leader quizzed about girl cadet

Leader quizzed about girl cadet

A Medway Army cadet leader in his 20s has been suspended over an alleged relationship with a girl cadet aged between 16 and 18.

Mos seek KO for MK and Mikko

Mos seek KO for MK and Mikko

Children locked out of play areas

Children locked out of play areas

Draughtsman faces murder charge

Draughtsman faces murder charge

Hockey club gets cash for new pitch

Hockey club gets cash for new pitch

Police on rape alert after attack on boy

Police on rape alert after attack on boy

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