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Medway county lines dealers jailed after ‘Ice Line’ drug phone network uncovered

Two county-lines dealers have been jailed for supplying heroin and crack cocaine through a phone network known as the ‘Ice Line’.

Brandon Chalcroft and Daniel Cook have both been jailed for their roles supplying class-A drugs throughout the Medway Towns.

Brandon Chalcroft, 22 of no fixed address, and Daniel Cook, 32, of Frindsbury Road, Rochester have been jailed. Picture: Kent Police
Brandon Chalcroft, 22 of no fixed address, and Daniel Cook, 32, of Frindsbury Road, Rochester have been jailed. Picture: Kent Police

The pair were arrested after investigators identified bulk messages were being sent to local users, offering heroin and cocaine for sale in September.

The phone being used was known as the ‘Ice line’ and detectives discovered that four separate numbers were being deployed by the criminal gang.

Chalcroft, of no fixed address, was identified as the co-ordinator while Cook, of Frindsbury Road, Strood, was found to have a key role in the network.

On December 6, Chalcroft, 22, was arrested and officers seized a mobile phone and £1,475 in cash.

A simultaneous search warrant at Cook’s house saw a mobile phone, along with crack cocaine and heroin deals, were seized and he was arrested as well.

Class A drugs were seized by officers after a search of Daniel Cook's house. Picture: Kent Police
Class A drugs were seized by officers after a search of Daniel Cook's house. Picture: Kent Police

The dealers were later charged with being concerned in the supply of heroin and being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine.

Both men admitted the offences at Maidstone Crown Court and yesterday (May 30) Chalcroft was jailed for three years and two months, while Cook, 32, received two years and three months’ imprisonment.

Detective Constable Martin Aird, of Kent Police’s County Lines and Gangs Team, called the sentences “well deserved”.

He added: “Until they are inevitably tracked down, these criminals bring misery to the communities of Kent while seeking to make a considerable profit.

“We are always alert to new lines when they start offering class A drugs for sale, and it is only a matter of time before we identify who is behind the phone number.

“They are then swiftly and robustly brought to justice and this should serve as a warning to any others who seek to follow their example.”

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