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A Bentley worth around £200,000 has smashed into the front of a pub - and its the second time in as many years the boozer has been hit.
This £3.25m property with a home cinema takes movie night to a whole new level.
As developers prepare to invest an estimated £500 million into the future of Manston Airport, we answer the key questions over what happens next.
Detailed plans for almost 6,000 new homes have revealed how future phases of the development - including a full-size cricket pitch - will look.
A mum has described how her family were terrified after waking up to find a 4ft python in their back garden.
A motorcyclist was forced to ride a mobility scooter down the aisle after a crash which saw a biker plough into him while performing a 'wheelie'.
Thousands were made homeless, businesses and homes destroyed, and livestock drowned in one night of misery more than 70 years ago.
Jeremy Hunt wants to get more people back to work, but who can blame those who've turned their backs on it, writes Lauren Abbott.
A woman seen weaving her Mercedes across the road has been banned for drink-driving after it was found she was narrowly over the legal alcohol limit.
More than 700 staff will be hired as leadership of tackling crossings to UK shores – such as the Kent coast – returns to the Home Office.
A man who was arrested following the death of a dad-of-three at a shopping centre has been released from police custody.
A 16-year-old boy was punched and had his coat stolen off his body in a vicious town centre robbery.
A former care home which was shut down after inspectors found residents were "at risk of abuse" has been put up for sale.
A crash along a danger route that left two men in a serious condition has sparked fears a child could be run over next.
A council leader has condemned Home Office plans to use a town hotel to house around 70 asylum seekers.
Almost nine in 10 drivers had to be reprimanded as police pulled over more than 100 cars.
A 58-year-old suffering delusions due to dementia slashed his wife's throat, believing she was Lucifer and had poisoned him.
Three years since Boris Johnson claimed he'd 'got Brexit done' the balance sheet for Kent is firmly in the red, writes political editor Paul Francis.
A French bulldog with one eye and an underbite has lost out on being crowned the ugliest dog in the UK.
Residents are complaining that they have been left without water - marking the fourth time this month Southern Water have had issues in the area.
Police are investigating a report of criminal damage, after a bin was used to smash the window of a high street pharmacy.
All pools at a sports centre closed today due to continuing "temperature issues" impacting the heat of the water will remain shut tomorrow too.
The Welsh singer will be visiting Kent on his Ages and Stages tour later this year.
A major M2 junction has reopened after four months of work and weeks of delays.
Residents on one side of a street have broadband 20 times faster than their neighbours opposite.
A tipper truck driver who caused a horror crash while high on cannabis has been spared prison despite leaving a man in a coma for seven weeks.
A town centre road was blocked, with buses unable to pass, due to an emergency services response which turned out to be a false alarm.
Dozens of residents showed up for a protest against a phone mast which was set to be erected without consultation.
Residents will see their Aldi store close for more than a month while refurbishment work is carried out.
A sports centre will close all of its pools to visitors tomorrow due to an ongoing 'temperature issue'.
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