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Two widowed pensioners have struck up an unlikely romance after moving into a care home within months of each other.
Love is in the air across Kent as couples celebrate Valentine's Day and one pair have won £500 in a kmfm competition thanks to their own love story.
It's no normal job, but just how accurate can a pet psychic be? Our reporter – and her dog – was in for a shock.
Residents have spoken of their anger and frustration over noisy 'boy racers' using a busy dual carriageway as a racing track.
Police are appealing for witnesses after a delivery driver was attacked while out on his rounds and had his van stolen.
Armed police swooped on a street following reports a man had been seen brandishing a weapon.
A man has been arrested in connection with reports of a stabbing in a busy town centre which saw a man taken to a London hospital.
Families whose children are eligible for free school meals won't have to pay more for travel this year, after a council U-turn.
A landlady is celebrating 40 years at the same pub, which she says now feels like 'part' of her.
A teenage boy has been taken to a London hospital after a crash involving a car and an electric scooter.
A man has been arrested after a post office was robbed and member of staff threatened "with a metal bar".
A disused church at risk of development has been withdrawn from auction after villagers made their own bid.
A popular seafront pub which closed last month is now available to rent for £55k a year plus a £25k lease.
Levi Bellfield's confession to the murders of Lin and Megan Russell was 'a sick joke', it was reported today.
A man is accused of controlling his ex over several years and repeatedly hitting a soft spot on her skull in a game called 'break the coconut'.
Campaigners have claimed a victory as a developer cut down on the number of large houses on a site and increased its starter home offering.
Part of a town is set to have a one-way system introduced which residents hope will put an end to lorries mounting pavements.
Ancient metal workers may have been illegally extracting silver by the Medway in Roman Britain, before their dynasty was overtaken... by owls.
A youngster is banging drums and singing songs to get her through some tough chemotherapy.
A person struck by a train at a railway station tragically died from their injuries, it has been confirmed.
The public has been warned not to approach a man on the run from police after escaping from custody during a court appearance.
80 years on, we remember the brave airmen who lost their lives in the skies above Kent in one of the 'most disastrous' events in Royal Navy history...
A prolific shoplifter who stole more than £1,000 worth of alcohol and groceries in three weeks has been jailed and banned from four supermarkets.
Covid cases are falling across Kent - but just one county district has a lower infection rate than the national average.
A £1.5 million price tag has been slapped on a former care home - sparking speculation the shut-down site could be transformed into flats.
The speed limit along a stretch of a main road is set to be lowered to 30mph as a result of ongoing house-building in a Kent town.
A Kent family devastated by the rare and incurable Huntington's disease are hoping to raise enough money to go on their first holiday abroad.
A change to a recycling system in a part of Kent has been described as "deeply flawed", with fears confidential documents could litter the streets.
DFLs have flooded one part of Kent and gobbled up all the greasy spoons - but snobs and locals can learn to get on, writes Melissa Todd.
"Pathetic" football fans have been fined after clashing following their sides' FA Cup clash.
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