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Those are the words of Ukip's Nigel Farage, who feels comedian Al Murray will not get many votes if he does stand for South Thanet in May.
A suspected Second World War shell has been found on a beach, prompting a response from bomb disposal experts.
Ex-Apprentice star Stella English claimed her nanny was driving her courtesy car when it was caught speeding in Kent.
A man has been jailed after he helped import 28 tonnes of cannabis worth £80m - enough for everyone in the UK to have two joints.
A man accused of a string of sex attacks, assaults and robberies on women faces 22 further charges from across the county, it's been revealed.
A teenager who terrified a shop worker when he held him up with a loaded pistol has been jailed for more than three years.
A man accused of killing his work colleague James Wallington at a rubbish tip has appeared in court.
A coroner has demanded action after a worker suffocated to death when a rubbish pile fell on him, despite the efforts of colleagues to save his life.
A single mum-of-four has admitted pretending to be jobless so she could rake in thousands of pounds in benefits.
A woman is campaigning against puppy farming after buying a 12-week-old pug that was suffering horrific birth defects and had to be put down.
A man arrested by armed police less than an hour after the Duchess of Cambridge's visit has been charged with possession of a firearm.
The Pub Landlord has been forced to cancel his planned parachute jump into Kent - after being told he is too overweight.
A family has donated thousands of pounds to the doctors who saved their lives in the face of a rare genetic disorder.
Gardeners could be slugging it out with the slimy pests this summer as conditions favour the hermaphrodite molluscs.
The government has announced a £12 million investment in faster and more regular high speed train services to the Kent coast.
Twenty five bags of cocaine were recovered from the body of a Kent man found dead in his Peruvian hotel room.
A taxi driver has been banned after swerving across a road, hitting a car, and careering into the kerb several times while taking children to school.
A "creeper burglar" who broke into people's homes at night to fund his £1,000-a-week cocaine habit has been jailed for four years.
A teenager who has been missing for seven days is now back home with her family.
An unusual black animal has been spotted stealing fish from a garden pond today, sending Facebook users into a frenzy.
A new 'Banksy' painting has been spotted in Kent, but the work has not yet been confirmed as genuine by the elusive artist.
'Dr' Sarah Sims seemed the perfect candidate for the £50,000 a year post at a child care services group - but all was not as it seemed.
A court has thrown out an attempt by Conservatives to reclaim thousands of pounds the party spent promoting its former MP Mark Reckless.
A teenager has been sentenced after watching his friend - son of a woman who fled to Syria to join Isis - burn, urinate and spit on a Union Flag.
The friend of an 11-year-old boy who died from a brain tumour has released a song in his memory to raise awareness of the killer disease.
A van driver accused of killing a teenage cyclist by driving dangerously had been texting his lover at the time of the crash, a court has been told.
A teenager who was airlifted to hospital after a rugby tackle left him with neck injuries is still under observation.
Shocked friends have laid flowers and held a candlelit vigil in memory of a young man whose body was found on a footpath in a quiet Kent town.
A stunt involving a car and a large amount of clingfilm will no doubt leave one driver spending most of their day unwrapping their vehicle.
Youngsters were led to safety after a TV caught fire in a child's bedroom.
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