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Masters House in Trinty Road, Sheerness reopens under Launch It banner after £1.5m refurbishment

By: Joe Crossley

Published: 14:31, 17 October 2023

Updated: 16:48, 17 October 2023

A “desperately needed” creative centre has opened its doors following a £1.5 million refurbishment.

Masters House in Trinty Road, Sheerness has reopened after the former Victorian offices were converted into affordable workspaces for aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Masters House in Trinty Road, Sheerness will be used as a creative and business hub after £1.5 million refurbishments. Picture: Launch It Kent

The funding was part of the £20m Levelling Up Fund to improve health, education, leisure, and employment opportunities on the Island.

Launch It, a group of charities dedicated to helping young creatives fulfil their potential and start a business, will manage the studio units which are available at subsidised rates.

Mayor of Swale, Cllr Sarah Stephen cut the ribbon on Tuesday, October 10, officially opening the workspace at an event attended by some of the young people taking up spots.


Nikita Dean-Hart, founder of creative video content creation company NDH Productions and who has lived in Minster for seven years, spoke at the opening.

The 26-year-old said the centre was “desperately needed on the island”.

She added: “It’s such an amazing space as there’s so many rooms and workshops, and it’s going to become an amazing hub to attract businesses and bring a community together.

Entrepenuer Nikita Dean-Hart, 26, spoke at the opening and said the space is "desperately needed" in the Isle of Sheppey. Picture: Launch It Kent
Mayor of Swale, Cllr Sarah Stephen and the Mayor’s Consort, Cllr Paul Stephen opened the refurbished Masters House. Picture: Launch It Kent

“It will also help to keep people on the island as well. I’m excited to use the space.”

Cllr Stephen noted the transformation of the “very run-down” council offices to a workshop for up-and-coming young people.

She said: “Four years ago, as a councillor, I came to Masters House for the first time and saw it was in a real poor state of repair.

“Four years later, part of the lovely project that started on that day now has come to fruition.


“We’ve got a place for young people, and we got workshops coming in the next phase for artists, creatives and all the young entrepreneurs who will soon start or build their businesses here.”

Swale council leader, Cllr Tim Gibson, also attended the opening alongside Launch It CEO, Pat Shelley, Out of London Development Director, Amber Wright and trustees, Chris Pieroni and Alison Robinson.

Masters House will also offer guidance from a dedicated on-site enterprise manager, mentoring with business leaders and industry experts, skills development training and workshops, networking and other support opportunities.

Denise Knights, Launch It Kent Masters House enterprise manager, and volunteer Alison Reynolds at the ribbon cutting event. Picture: Launch It Kent

Launch It Kent Masters House enterprise manager, Denise Knights said the new-look building is now “destined to be the creative hub of the island”.

She said: “Launch it Masters House now has so much interest from young people and the community.

“As a charity that has supported over 11,000 young people to start or grow businesses in the UK over the last 23 years, we are aiming to not only bring new opportunities for young business owners to help them carve out better futures.

“We are also aiming to inspire hope for the Sheerness community including the next breed of young artists, creatives, innovators as well as local commercial businesses.

“Our hope is as these entrepreneurs grow, the island continues its ongoing transformation over the next few years too.”

The first free skills development workshop will be on Tuesday, October 31 in partnership with NatWest.

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