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Canterbury police officer jailed after sexting and forming inappropriate relationship with arrested woman

By: Max Chesson

Published: 14:26, 04 October 2023

Updated: 16:50, 04 October 2023

A police officer who formed an inappropriate sexual relationship with a suspect he was ordered to supervise in hospital has been jailed.

Canterbury-based PC Thomas Hill had been asked to look after the woman at Margate’s QEQM as she received treatment following her arrest in December 2020.

PC Thomas Hill leaving Westminster Magistrates' Court in July this year. Pic: PA

Hill initiated a sexualised conversation with her in hospital and later contacted her on social media.

The pair also exchanged explicit texts, with some of them read out in court today.

Prosecutors at Southwark Crown Court said the former PC messaged the woman “I want to slide deep inside you” and “I’m going to get myself off over you, shower and go to work”.


He also told her: “I kept myself awake with stimulating thoughts x.”

The ex-officer even went to the woman’s house, where he “acted in an unprofessional manner” towards her.

PC Thomas Hill was based at Canterbury Police Station. Picture: Google
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In one text message he intimated there had been physical contact between the pair, writing: “I did enjoy your hands on me.”

Hill would later confess to his supervisors about the relationship after the woman threatened to disclose the matter to his employer, police said.

The 35-year-old admitted a charge of misconduct in public office at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on July 20 and was jailed today for six months.

The conviction came following an Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) investigation which began in May 2021 following a mandatory conduct referral from Kent Police earlier that month.

As part of its efforts, the IOPC looked at the circumstances surrounding PC Hill’s initial and continued contact with the woman and whether his actions were in accordance with relevant legislation, local and national policies and procedures.


The agency’s investigation concluded 11 months later in April 2022 and evidence was sent to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), which authorised the charge of misconduct in public office.

IOPC regional director Mel Palmer said: “Abuse of power for a sexual purpose is a breach of the public’s trust, which seriously undermines confidence in the police service and discredits the profession.

“PC Hill’s behaviour was a form of serious corruption and has absolutely no place in policing.

PC Thomas Hill met the woman at the QEQM hospital in Margate

“To make matters worse, PC Hill initiated the relationship while she was being treated in hospital and he had been sent to supervise her.

“At a time he was supposed to be protecting her, he instead chose to exploit her vulnerability.

“As a result of our investigation, carried out independently of the police, PC Hill admitted the offence and has now been sentenced. We also found PC Hill has a case to answer for gross misconduct and he will be subject to a disciplinary hearing.”

During proceedings, investigators interviewed PC Hill, examined his mobile phone and obtained statements or accounts from several witnesses, including the woman involved.

Detective Chief Superintendent Jon Armory, the head of professional standards at Kent Police, said after today’s sentencing: “Protecting women and girls from harm is Kent Police’s top priority and the vast majority of officers and staff do so with the utmost integrity and professionalism on a daily basis.

“Ex-PC Thomas Hill pleaded guilty to misconduct in a public office after he formed an inappropriate sexual relationship with a woman he met through his policing duties. Such behaviour is unacceptable and undermines trust and confidence in the police service.

“Hill resigned from Kent Police prior to being sentenced but a fast-track disciplinary hearing chaired by the Chief Constable will still take place now court proceedings have concluded.

“Kent Police is committed to taking appropriate action against the small minority of officers whose conduct falls below the very high standards expected of them, including on the rare occasion when a criminal offence has been committed.”

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