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The landlords of a pub which went up in flames yesterday have paid tribute to the quick-thinking actions of staff – which may well have saved it.
The Racing Greyhound in Hereson Road, Ramsgate, was forced to close after a blaze broke out in the kitchen.
Four fire engines were called to the scene and surrounding roads were temporarily shut.
Footage emerged on social media of thick, black, billowing smoke rising up from behind the building.
Bosses say that without the swift response of employees in the kitchen, the fire could have destroyed the entire pub.
Speaking to KentOnline, landlady Debbie Barnett hopes The Racing Greyhound can reopen within six weeks but acknowledged it could be longer.
“The fire shut the whole kitchen down but the boys were excellent – the fire door is what saved the pub,” she said.
“We’re lucky but we’re not lucky. It’s a relief that it’s only the kitchen but it’s still gutting as we’re without hot water and having to shut.
“We’ll stay closed until the insurance gives us to go-ahead as we want to give them space to do what they need to do.
“Our bookings will transfer over to our other pubs, as will our staff, but we’re praying we’re okay for Christmas.”
First opening in 1931, the Racing Greyhound has been under the Barnett family’s control for more than 13 years, making up one of four Thanet pubs in their portfolio.
With The Bell Inn in Minster, The Jolly Farmer in Ramsgate and Lester’s in Margate – the latter of which will see Debbie behind the bar until further notice – it is hoped there will be minimal disruption to the business.
It is expected the kitchen will need a total revamp.
Debbie and fellow landlord Keith had previously issued a statement on Facebook yesterday, saying: “Thank you so much to everyone who has been in contact and offered us support after today's [Sunday] events.
“A massive thank you [to] Kent Police and Kent Fire and Rescue Service for all their help in keeping people safe and extinguishing the fire.
“And finally, the biggest thank you to our staff for helping with the clear up, especially the kitchen brigade, whose quick thinking meant although today is ending with no kitchen, [it] could have easily meant no pub if they hadn't done what they had done.”
Four fire engines were on site from 11.10am on Sunday, with crews wearing breathing apparatus using hose reel jets and main jets to put out the blaze.
Firefighting operations were ceased two-and-a-half hours later with no injuries reported and no cause yet identified by KFRS – though Debbie has said the fire started in a small vat fryer.
Charlotte Gates, who lives opposite the pub and witnessed the blaze, said: “My children and I were due to go there with friends for my friend's birthday on Sunday afternoon.
“We saw the staff running into the car park and smoke billowing out from the roof.
“As it is our local, opposite my house, we know the lovely staff very well and we are obviously concerned.”